Floral City Heritage Council Floral City Heritage Council

Address correspondence to:

The Floral City Heritage Council
P O Box 328
Floral City, FL 34436

Floral City Community


Discover Crystal River

Naturecoaster.com, an FCHC Corporate Member

Floral City Branch Library Calendar of Events

Best Places to Live in Florida

Florida Niche

Tidewater Florida

Florida Backroads Travel

Liveability (Areavibes.com)

Citrus County Board of County Commissioners


Heritage Events:

Friday, December 6 - Candles, Carols, & Carriages
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Downtown Floral City & Orange Avenue, Floral City, FL

Saturday, December 7 - A Victorian Wedding
A Heritage Days Event in Partnership with the Floral City Methodist Church
This is a ticket-entry only event - 4:00 to 6:00 pm

Floral City Methodist Church, Marvin Street, Floral City, FL

Floral City Heritage Council

Museum and Country Store Days and Hours are Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Interested in touring the Museum, but the current schedule doesn't work for you? 

Private tours can be arranged by contacting the Museum Director, Tom Ritchie.  

Upcoming Events

Heritage Hours with the Floral City Library

Cave Crawlers, Wednesday, February 26th - 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Join local Bob Metz as he regales us with tales of his high school cave exploring group in the 1940s. He will share stories about local caves and the amazing things they discovered inside.

The Creation of Floral City, Wednesday, March 26th - 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Learn about the early days and creation of Floral City.

Visit Floral City:

Discover our parks, boat ramps, bike trail, scenery and great businesses...you will want to vist again.


Mission: The Floral City Heritage Council serves as an advocate for Florida historic preservation and presents and supports Florida folk-life programs.  Established in September 1992 as a local branch of the Citrus County Historical Society, we support and promote the Society's mission to preserve and further the knowledge of the history and pre-history of Citrus County, Florida, and nearby areas.

Learn more about us

The information on this site is updated frequently. Please come back often to get acquainted with FCHC.

Terri Hartman,  Chairperson  | Laura Hennings, Treasurer & Membership |  Jeane DeFelice, Social Media  |  Marcia Beasley, Museum Store & Publicity  |  Paulette Ritchie, Secretary |  Tom Ritchie, Museum Director


Accessibility Policy
The Floral City Heritage Council is committed to ensuring ongoing equal accessibility of information via its website. We follow the guidance of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our goal is to make improvements to your user experience. If you encounter an accessibility issue while using our website, please note the web page where you encounter the accessibility issue and contact the web liaison. We will make all reasonable efforts to make the information accessible.